Devlog 1

[1/1/2024] - Stacy Felde

12/28/2023 - Creating the Foundation

Today marked the beginning of my solo game development journey. I started by drafting a detailed Game Design Document (GDD) to crystallize my ideas and set a clear direction for the project. This foundational step laid the groundwork for what was to come.

12/29/2023 - Player Interaction and Initial World

Progress was swift on the second day. I implemented basic player controls and camera movement, enhancing the overall gaming experience. The addition of mouse cursor functionality and the ability to click opened up new avenues for interaction. Basic gem collection mechanics were introduced to the game, setting the stage for future features. Furthermore, the groundwork for building placement was established, a crucial aspect of the gameplay mechanics.

12/30/2023 - Refining Building Placement

Building on the foundations from the previous day, I delved deeper into refining the building placement mechanics. The introduction of a grid system brought structure to the game world, providing a visual aid for strategic decision-making. This system laid the groundwork for future building types and streamlined the overall player experience.

12/31/2023 - Expanding Building Options

As the year drew to a close, I dedicated the day to expanding the roster of building types. The introduction of road tiles not only diversified the gameplay but also added a layer of complexity to city planning. The grid system proved invaluable in managing the placement of road tiles, laying the foundation for a more intricate and engaging game world.

1/1/2024 - New Year, New Features

With the dawn of the new year, I wasted no time in introducing significant updates. The addition of house, special, and road base tiles expanded the possibilities for city construction. Healthcare buildings and houses became integral components of the evolving game world. The road tile system was refined to ensure coherence with neighboring tiles, restricting placement in a realistic manner. I also implemented a rotation feature for tile meshes, enhancing the player's creative control. Building mode was introduced, activated with the press of 'B', facilitating smoother construction experiences.

To improve the user interface during building, a temporary build UI was added. This addition served as a stepping stone towards creating a more polished and user-friendly experience in future iterations.

As a solo developer, each day brings its challenges, but the satisfaction of witnessing the game world grow and evolve with each line of code is immeasurable. Looking forward to what the future holds and the continued development of this exciting project!

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