Devlog 2

[1/9/2024] - Stacy Felde

1/2/2024 - Diversifying the Landscape

As the second day of the year unfolded, I focused on broadening the scope of the game by introducing industry and commercial base tiles. The addition of Industry1 and Commercial1 tiles injected variety into the urban landscape, allowing players to craft more intricate and diverse cityscapes. To enhance the overall visual impact, I increased the scale of the game world, setting the stage for a more immersive experience. Additionally, the implementation of a day/night cycle brought a dynamic element to the gameplay, adding depth and realism to the evolving city.

1/3/2024 - Fine-tuning and Expanding Assets

Building upon the introduction of the day/night cycle, I dedicated this day to fine-tuning the game's visual elements. Static meshes were added to existing buildings, providing a more detailed and polished look to the in-game structures. This attention to detail not only improved aesthetics but also contributed to a more cohesive and engaging player experience.

1/4/2024 - User Interface and Economy

The fourth day of the year marked significant strides in enhancing the user interface and overall gameplay experience. A comprehensive in-game UI was introduced, featuring displays for time and gem count. The groundwork for an economic system was laid with the implementation of purchases, setting the stage for a more complex and rewarding city management experience. Simultaneously, the build menu UI was initiated, laying the foundation for future city expansion and development.

1/5/2024 - Shadows and Citizens

This day was dedicated to addressing visual glitches and laying the groundwork for an immersive city simulation. Shadows not showing for buildings were fixed, contributing to a more visually appealing environment. Auto exposure was removed to maintain consistent lighting. The introduction of citizens became a reality, each generated with a random name, adding a personal touch to the evolving cityscape.

1/6/2024 - UI Polish and Citizen Movement

Continuing the pursuit of a seamless user experience, I resolved bugs in the UI build menu, ensuring smooth opening and closing transitions. Citizens were imbued with life as they began to move within the city. To add a touch of personalization, names temporarily appeared above citizens, making the city feel alive with individual stories.

1/7/2024 - Citizen Dynamics

The seventh day brought an important milestone as citizens spawned from residences began to exhibit movement. This marked a significant step forward in creating a dynamic and living city. As the development journey continues, the goal is to refine and expand upon these systems, adding depth and complexity to the city simulation.

The solo development adventure is filled with challenges, but each day brings the satisfaction of witnessing the virtual world come to life, one feature at a time. Excited to see where the next steps of this journey will lead!

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